Færsluflokkur: Bloggar

Enska - The Black Cat

Today, March 23rd 2015, I finished a project called The Black Cat. It's a project my class have been doing, and to my knowledge, I'm the second to finish. You'd select 3-4 assignments to put on your word document, publisher document or Glogster page. What I chose are some info about antiquities and what makes them valuable and a review on the book itself. And there is also a fun little wordplay I added just for fun! (Actually, that was a choice.) I embedded the link down below so you could check it out. Enjoy reading my fine english. ;-;



English - The great Grey Wolf

Here we have our first project in 8th grade in English. It’s a rather fun one to be exact. Here we had to investigate the World Wide Web to find as much information about the famous Grey Wolf as we can. The information we need to include in the ‘Glogster’ project are how they look, how they behave, what they eat and so on and so forth. We then gave it life by adding images of the Grey Wolf in all kinds of situations, added little footprints of them for a sweet touch and added a nifty background to it which suited the species. Overall, I think this project was fun to do. It was quick, simple and certainly taught me new things about the predator.

Here you go, the project in all of its light and glory! (You can scroll through it all. See, I found a solution. I TOLD YOU SO!)

Uppfinningar - Anime

anime_boy_render_2_by_sakura_mina-d6sotuaAnime, eða japanskar teiknimyndir er sá flokkur teiknimynda sem er framleiddur í Japan og byggir á sama teiknistíl og japanskar myndasögur, manga. Það kom fyrst fram árið 1943. Þáttaröðin heitir Momotaro no Umiwashi. Mikið af anime þáttaröðum og kvikmyndum eru framleiddar fyrir yngri kynslóðina en einnig eru framleitt blóðugra og grófara efni en það sem vestrænn hugsunarháttur á við að venjast. Þó má ekki misskilja það á þann hátt að allt anime sé gróft og blóðugt. Mikill hluti af þess eru rómantískar sögur og drama. Anime er eins og manga flokkað niður eftir efni, til að mynda Shonen fyrir pilta á unglingsárum og Shoujo fyrir stúlkur á svipuðum aldri.

Uppfiningamennirnir heita Öten Shimokawa, Jun'ichi Kouchi and Seitaro Kitayama, oftast kallaðir kóngar Anime ríkis. Ekkert mikið er sagt um þessa menn, nema það að þeir eru snillingar.

Horft er á þessa tegund af teiknimyndir og er eitt frægasta gerð teiknimynda til þessa daga. frægustu Animes heita:

Full Metal Alchemist
Death Note
Cowboy Bebop
Spirited Away
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Princess Mononoke
Elfen Lied
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion


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