English - The great Grey Wolf

Here we have our first project in 8th grade in English. It’s a rather fun one to be exact. Here we had to investigate the World Wide Web to find as much information about the famous Grey Wolf as we can. The information we need to include in the ‘Glogster’ project are how they look, how they behave, what they eat and so on and so forth. We then gave it life by adding images of the Grey Wolf in all kinds of situations, added little footprints of them for a sweet touch and added a nifty background to it which suited the species. Overall, I think this project was fun to do. It was quick, simple and certainly taught me new things about the predator.

Here you go, the project in all of its light and glory! (You can scroll through it all. See, I found a solution. I TOLD YOU SO!)

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1 Smįmynd: Jórunn Sigurbergsdóttir

Vel unniš hjį žér.

Jórunn Sigurbergsdóttir , 14.10.2014 kl. 17:10

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